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Brief Intro to the Ice Age Trail AND Hoofer Outing 101

Tuesday, Oct 27, 2015 (7:30 pm - 8:15 pm)

Leader: Connie Lane

Event Information

After trip reports and trip announcements, I'll give a VERY brief overview of the Ice Age Trail, but more importantly, we'll talk about the Hoofer Outing Club and getting student-led trips out the door.

It can be done without a trip leader owning a car and I'm going to tell you how you can lead a trip, and why you should. Your club (you joined it and its now yours) needs for lots of members to lead trips to keep the club vital and vibrant and cheery and a place everyone wants to come on Tuesday nights for a good laugh.

I promise it won't be boring. I'd like to get lots of new members and people who've been around awhile but have not yet led a trip to attend and we'll talk about what it takes to lead a trip (surprisingly little if the trip is not too complicated, so keep your choices simple!). And if you have questions, I'll answer as best I can, or we'll come up with answers.

It might be raining, but get off your kiester and come down to the Hoofer lounge at the union and ask some questions. Help us get the club back on our original track, where we had a great mix of big trips led by veterans and smaller trips led by newer members. Winter is coming and there is no reason why new folks cannot be leading winter-sport trips, since none of the winter sports require leader ratings, just enthusiasm.

No sign up, just show up. Maybe we'll fire up a stove and make some hot chocolate.


Event Type
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Accommodation Information
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Driving or Travel Details
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Food and Equipment Information
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Trip Cancellation, Reschedule, and Refund Information
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Trip Purpose/Goals
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Registration Count

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