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Canoe Lake Lesson

Monday, Oct 5, 2015 (4:30 pm - 6:30 pm)

Leader: Caroline Rose

Event Information

Edit: I have pushed the start time to 4:30 due to a few requests for 10 extra minutes to get to the lesson. Do come at 4:15 if you are able, and we will stage the equipment to make the lesson go more quickly. 

This canoe lesson, distinct from our kayak lesson, teaches you how to work as a team to make a tandem canoe go where you want to go, and gives you the canoe lake rating needed to go on outing club canoe trips or to paddle on Lake Mendota. We normally don't purposely capsize to practice rescues, but it's hard to keep your feet dry in a canoe, so wear some kind of footwear that stays on and can get wet such as Tevas/sport sandals or sneakers,and stash stuff that needs to stay dry someplace other than the canoe. Be sure to come on time if you sign up. Meet at the Memorial Union waterfront by the Outdoor UW office. Lesson might be postponed if a storm looms.

The swim test is independent of the canoe lesson. As of now, I'm not planning to offer one, but I might be able to... 
If someone else can co-teach with me, then I will open more spaces for students! 

Event Type
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Accommodation Information
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Driving or Travel Details
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Food and Equipment Information
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Trip Cancellation, Reschedule, and Refund Information
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Trip Purpose/Goals
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Registration Count

Registration Type Registrations Remaining
All Participants 9 2
Waiting List 0 5